Big Data and IOT

The Internet is dominating the whole world and it is the closest thing to a God at this moment. In fact, the Internet knows more about you than you.
Image result for shocked meme
With Big Data coming in to play, Consumers are keying in their personal information less frequently on the web and Marketers can retrieve these information effortlessly.

One good application of Big Data by Singapore is the implementation of Singpass. Singaporeans can access all government channels such as the CPFICA etc. It creates convenience for Singaporeans as they only commit their memory to 1 username and password. However, it is a double-edged sword as whoever hacks the account gets a hold of all the sensitive information. One example will be the recent SingHealth cyber attack where patients information are stolen.

The Cloud technology is also a simple platform where users can store, share and fetch their data at one’s convenience. One good illustration would be Apple’s iCloud, information captured on the iPhone can be sent to the cloud and retrieved from the MacBook. However, online predators took advantage of this virtual storage to plunder users private photos for lewd purposes. Almost 500 Celebrities had their private photos stolen and shared on various platforms.

It is crucial for Marketers to develop an effective security system to provide their consumers assurance and confidence when using their platform. This means collaborating with a professional IT team to build a secure and practical website that suits their target audience. With tons of information given to Marketers, it is only useful when they are filtered and analyse properly to help achieve the organisation’s goal.


8 thoughts on “Big Data and IOT”

  1. IoT is really a big thing now, or maybe in a few years time. We have to be extra careful while utilizing IoT especially related to our daily life, because there have been cases where hackers stole people’s information behind the screen.

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  2. Personally I believe that Big Data is a boon towards both society and technological advancement as a whole, but it is also a double-edged sword. Like you’ve mentioned, marketers can retrieve information about you effortlessly through the use of Big Data; one can only wonder what your information will be used for. Of course, there are also concerns about privacy, but one has to think: are the benefits that Big Data offer worth the loss in personal privacy? It’s hard to tell.

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    1. Hi thomas,
      My stand on privacy issue is if you don’t want others to see it then don’t post it in the first place. Others cannot see what you don’t put online. So you hold your own risk by posting your information online.


  3. Hello…from the other side! Actually despite the fact that security over our privacy is an alarming issue, that still didn’t stop many people from leaving their digital footprints all over the net though. And the only reason i can think of is, they are too dependent on IoT devices already, the convenience it provides far outweighs the privacy concern for most people. Thanks for the good read!

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    1. I must’ve called a thousand times~! I’m guilty of letting convenience take over my sense of security as well! However, i do make sure the information i put up will not lead to dire consequences! I also visit reliable and secure websites to reduce such risk. I also believe that it is up to the marketer to implement a credible security software to assure their consumers!


  4. Hello Zhi Hong! 🙂 I went on to do some more research on big data and IoT after reading your post as it got me even more curious between this two. I found out that for big data, the personalized preferences of the customers and IoT is one of the most exciting developments that will bring technology together. This blending of technology and human interaction will allow marketers to use their marketing budget more efficiently, develop more effectively marketing campaigns, and increase the bottom line for their business just like what you had mentioned in your last paragraph of your post! Nevertheless, I definitely had a good read and better understanding in between big data and IoT now thanks to you! See you around and cheers! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Bee Geok,
      Indeed personalization is a potent form of engagement with consumers. Consumers feel that they are being ‘noticed’. However, there are certain information that consumers do not wish to be taken. Therefore, marketers have to tread with caution what kind of information they are using and its sensitivity to the consumer.

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