“Omae wa mou shindeiru” SEO: NANI

A search engine allows consumer to search for a distinct information by typing keywords into the search bar. It assist consumers in seeking relevant information or products to address their needs.
The purpose of SEO is to help marketers put their links at the top of the search result with the intent of appealing to consumers.

However, SEO is dying due to the emerging trend of social media as well as mobile applications targeting niche markets. These alternate platforms provide consumers with a more specific and educated information, allowing a simpler decision making process. Resulting in the rapid split of consumer traffic online.


Take searching for food as an example, instead of searching ‘best food to eat in Singapore’ and receiving this generic answer,

consumers prefer browsing through Facebook or Instagram to look at what their friends are having for their meals. Consumers gains better assurance as posts by their friends are more relatable, they are also able to ask their friends for the overall experience which provides them with a greater sense of personal touch as compared to recommendations by websites.

Consumers can also look up Youtube videos of various influential figures or mavens for their recommendations. Capture 2
As the saying goes ‘action speaks louder than words’. These videos provide consumers with a better visualization of the food and how it taste rather than trying to picture it through text and images. The amount of views, likes, as well as comments section yields the credibility for consumers.


Music-lovers are using Spotify to get their dose of music updates and daily recommendations, it also allows them to enjoy the music instantly. Serving greater convenience as compared to searching it on the web and having to find a different platform for listening. Spotify also recommend musics from relevant genre the consumer is interested in. Again, it is more relatable.

The main focus here is ‘relatability’. Marketers need to understand their target audience and decide which is the most suitable channel that their consumers can relate to. After all,  appearing at the top of a search result does not equate to higher traffic and higher purchase if it doesn’t appeal to consumers. A low Return on Investment is also a waste of marketing efforts.

6 thoughts on ““Omae wa mou shindeiru” SEO: NANI”

    1. I AGREE 100% NO to black hat techniques. Even though it brings your name out faster, over time your brand will be latched with negative perceptions and consumers will start avoiding your brand. Like the famous saying goes “Don’t ever take a shortcut”


  1. Hel.. actually despite the rise of social media trend, I don’t think it is possible for SEO to ever die out though! Different users have different needs, even though it’s true that most consumers will go onto social media to look for the information they want, a good marketer should not discount away what a good SEO strategy can do for their business though! Even YouTube has their own SEO too!.. LO! This is just my stand on SEO at the moment though! Let me know what do you think. Thanks for the good read too!

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    1. Hello lloyd! I agree that SEO is a relative good tool for businesses. However, marketers should implement it into their marketing campaign to complement other marketing efforts to achieve the maximum result!


  2. Hello Zhi Hong! 🙂 SEO and PPC is still a subject to debate on these day. Both are effective methods of driving online traffic to website, however, one method can work very well for certain circumstances, while with the other, may encounter difficulties generating online traffic in the same situation. Hence, I agree with you that appearing at the top of a search result does not equate to higher traffic and higher purchase if it doesn’t appeal to consumers at all. Nevertheless, I definitely had a good read and better understanding in SEO and PPC now thanks to you! See you around and cheers! 😉

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    1. Hi Bee Geok,
      Thank you for taking your precious time out to read my post! I’m glad the information i have written helped you in understanding SEO and PPC better! That being said, as a marketer i believe both methods are relevant. Its just a matter of when and where to use it! For example, a PPC advertisement may benefit from someone that is rushing to book a flight and is enticed by the promotional message.

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